Meeting at Hotel Northampton
Feb 24, 2025 12:00 PM
Hotel Northampton Fellowship
Mar 24, 2025 12:00 PM
Karen Romanowski - meeting at Elks club
Apr 14, 2025 12:00 PM
Pioneer Valley memory care
James Kaplan
Apr 28, 2025
Michael Skillihorn @ Elks Club
May 12, 2025 12:00 PM
Grow Food Northampton
Elks Club
Jun 09, 2025
Our Club Information
Please note meeting locations

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Mondays at 12:00 PM
Northampton Elks Club
17 Spring Street
Florence, MA 01038
United States
1st Monday of Month - meets at Northampton Elks Club, 17 Spring St, Florence 2nd Monday of Month - meet at Coolidge Cafe, Northampton
Rotary Youth Exchange
What's Happening
Hosted By
Tommy Car Auto at Country Hyundai and VW, 347 King St, Northampton
Saturday, December 14th - 12 PM - 5 PM
SAVE THE DATE & Sponsor and or decorate a tree!
Have your business, family or department decorate a tree and get into the spirit while supporting local children and seniors. Trees will be raffled off as part of the Northampton Rotary Club festival of trees fundraiser on Saturday December 14th, 2024.   
FOR MORE DETAILS, PLEASE GO TO OUR EVENT WEBSITE www.northamptonfestivaloftrees.com
The Northampton Rotary Club along with matching funds through a District Grant, is partnering for a second year with the International Language Institute of Massachusetts (ILI) to train Rotarians and other community members as volunteer tutors to work with immigrants and refugees studying at ILI. The grant runs September through next April and includes in-person and virtual training and support for new tutors. If you are interested in joining the training and volunteering with ILI, please contact Jeanne@ILI.edu
Congratulations to Kim Montague, Jennifer Ewers, Jennifer Margolis and Greg Dibrindisi, all Northampton Rotarians (who have served as President of our club) on receiving the Paul Harris Fellow honor this evening. Many thanks to District Governor Christine Burns for always supporting our efforts and Barbara Devlin for making this night possible.  It was truly a special night!   April 30, 2024
Northampton Paul Harris Fellows in Attendance
As part of a Rotary International focus on protecting the environment, the Northampton Rotary Club worked with the Northampton’s Department of Public Works (DPW), the Urban Forestry Commission, the non-profit Tree Northampton, and the Ice Pond Association to organize a tree planting event on Ice Pond Drive on Saturday, April 20, 2024, planting 12 new trees.

Susan Lofthouse, Vice Chair of the Urban Forestry Commission and a key contact for the project, stated, “Thank you to the Northampton Rotary for your interest in protecting the environment through a partnership with the city! We are thankful for Rotary’s help planting trees at three elementary schools and a residential area in 2022 and 2023, and are very excited to be working with the club again in 2024. The newly planted trees along Ice Pond Drive will replace ash trees destroyed by an Emerald ash borer infestation, and will benefit the community for decades to come.”

To view coverage by 22 News, click here:  https://youtu.be/psq_ooBtedA?si=y08gPSG7XHXDlhnJ



April is Volunteer Appreciation month, and we are full of gratitude for all of the volunteer tutors supporting English learners at ILI including Northampton Rotarian Barbara Devlin. On April 2, ILI’s tutor training program, which is supported by a Rotary Foundation District Grant, hosted the sixth of seven trainings for this year. ILI volunteer coordinator Jeanne Barron facilitated the session, which included time for tutors to discuss their tutoring successes and challenges with each other, strategies for helping learners with time-bound questions, an introduction to a photo discussion resource and an exploration of ILI’s resource room. If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering as an English tutor, contact ILI or visit their website www.ILI.edu
Many thanks to all who supported and attended our Festival of Trees 2023 and our presenting sponsor Country Hyundai.
Thank you to our sponsors Tommy Car Auto, Hospice of the Fisher Home, BankESB, People's Bank, Greenfield Savings, MJ Moran, Reall, Lucentini & Lucentini, Greenfield Coop Bank, and Florence Bank  for a successful Festival of Trees.  Proceeds will benefit childen and seniors in our area.
Northampton Country Club Annual Fundraiser - this year's tournament raised over $7000
Northampton Rotary leads an annual fundraiser to provide over 500 backpacks to local students.  Many thanks to our sponsors Applied Mortgage, HarborOne Mortgage, Taylor Real Estate, and Walmart of Northampton along with all the local businesses and individuals who contributed to this fundraiser.
Northampton Rotary supports the expansion of our local hospital's ER transformation with a $5,000 gift.  "This is a project that truly touches everyone in our community and the club is honored to support the hospital", said President Steve Roberts.  Gifts to the ER Dept campaign will support additional and better designed spaces and increased privacy, and faster access to computterized tomography CT scans, improved coordination and more patient rooms.
Northampton Rotary presents our 2021 donation to Grow Food Northampton. Many thanks to Rotary District 7890 for the matching grant.
Northampton Rotary supports the District Attorney's Children's Advocacy Center of Hampshire County to provide emergency needs funding and child care kit (toys, games, toiletries, snacks) to those who visit the center.  
Many thanks to all our sponsors, participants and those who attended our 2nd Annual Chowderfest!  Congrats to Fitzwilly's for being voted "Best Chowder"!  This event raised over $4,000 for local charities.
We were happy to join the Summer 2019 RYLA students at Lake Norwich on 8/5.  On Aug 12, the future leaders performed community service at Look Park in Northampton.
23RD ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT (JULY 22, 2019) - Many thanks to our sponsors and sponsors for our 24th annual golf tournament held yesterday Northampton Country Club. Our major sponsors included: bankESBChiropractic Associates of Northampton and Reall, Lucentini and Lucentini. Thank you also to our hole in one sponsors, Burke Chevrolet of Northampton and Teddy Bear Pools & Spas
We also couldn’t do it without our many tee sponsors, raffle and auction donators and of course the 13 teams who played and dodged the showers. The 1st placed team was BankESB and 2nd was the Francis Collins Team. A fun day and many thanks for supporting the children’s charities supported by Northampton Rotary!!!
The Northampton Rotary Club is thrilled to present Grow Food Northampton with a $3000 check to expand programming for seniors and in our schools. These funds were raised at our 1st Annual Chowder & Wine Fest held in October at Glendale Ridge Vineyard.  
Annual Rotary Children's Holiday Party - Lots of fun at this year's annual Northampton/Easthampton Rotary Club's annual holiday party.  Santa and Mrs Clause gave over gifts to over 80 kids!  Shuffles the clown made balloon animals for the kids and sang in Santa. 
Rotary Foreign Exchange Student’s celebrating their first Thanksgiving in the United States! Thank you Plainfield Rotary Club of Connecticut for hosting all the students this weekend, including Northampton's Catalina Rojas from Chile.
Local and Global Projects
Northampton Rotary is a proud sponsor of the second "Welcome to Northampton" sign on Pleasant Street.
The Northampton Rotary Club is an Annual Supporter of this multi-club District Project which provides funding to build a potable water distribution systems and provide hygiene and sanitation training, and operation, repair, and maintenance training, as well as organize a fee collection system for sustainability, in Guatemala.  Prior to the water systems provided by rotary clubs, women and young girls carried water for miles in jugs shown below.  Our support has built complete gravity fed water systems with gray water filters, vented pit latrines and improved vented stoves
Image result for guatemala water project
Club Executives & Directors
Vice President
Immediate Past President
Club Administration
Executive Secretary/Director
District 7890
Our ROTARY District Page
Lunch Menu - Old Mill Inn, Hatfield
Lunch - $20 per person
1. Breakfast sandwich on a bagel or English muffin with Cheddar cheese, eggs and a choice of bacon or sausage, side of greens. 
2. Quiche with greens. 
3. Parfait with fruit and homemade granola, with a homemade muffin. 
4.  Egg salad sandwich
All offerings with be made to order.